Friday, August 21, 2015

ISCA Advocacy Committee update

The ISCA Advocacy Committee recently met with The Capital Group lobbyists to review the year. It was the first year ISCA hired The Capital Group lobbyists.  Overall, it was a great success.  We were so much better informed about the legislative bills that pertain to school counselors.  More school counselors reached out to legislators, and when needed, we were able to mobilize contacts in a timely fashion to influence the committee composition of the Anti-Bullying Bill to include a school counselor.  We also made an impact on stopping a bill from going further by one of the legislators to review requirements for school counselors.  

We appreciated the assistance from our lobbyist when we visited the legislators during Visit the Hill Day and other times when members went to the capital.  It was great having them tell us who to visit with and what to say to make the most impact.  We made a very positive difference with many of the legislators.  We ALL must continue this important work.  Please check out the following highlights for ways to advocate for our great profession.  Remember, most of the legislators do not know what the school counselor’s role is in our schools and how important our work is with the students.  It is going to be a tough couple of years with the budget.  The legislators are making very important decisions so we need to make sure they know who to contact when bills that include us come up for votes!!    

·         Please continue to contact your legislators this summer.  If your town is having celebrations, parades or fairs, please BE BOLD and introduce yourself. It is a great way to start building a relationship.  Follow up with an email or short note.  It doesn’t matter if they are Democrats or Republicans.  We need a voice with all of them!!
·         We are working on the Advocacy website page on the ISCA website.  We hope to make it a helpful resource for our members.
·         Please check out the School Counselor Advocacy Effect Blog.  It has great stories from our members. 
·         ISCA Conference: Please mark November 1st through 3rd for the ISCA conference on your calendar.  It is our 50th anniversary, and we will have a great time!
·         Visit the Hill Day: Please mark Wednesday, February 24, 2016 on your calendar! 
·         Please take a few minutes to fill out ISCA Advocacy Feedback form. 
Susan Langan
ISCA Advocacy/Government Relations Chair

Iowa School Counselor Association

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